Sunday, June 14, 2015

REVIEW: COLOURPOP Super Shock Shadow + Pressed Pigment

COLOURPOP Super Shock Shadow + Pressed Pigment
Price: 6 USD


Look how cute the outside packaging is. O.O

The packaging of the product itself was simple yet super cute. Round shape, see throught top and made in a plastic (kinda) xD

The box is so freaking cute! Loving the color. It has color purple-ish color inside of the box when you open it. Perfect combination of white, teal and purple. Love it!


I'm not a fan of shimmery and glittery eyeshadows but for this, I made an exception. LOL
I'm IMPRESSED!!! Its so pigmented. I didn't even use eyelid primer. THUMBS UP!
This is the first eyeshadow I have tried that super pigmented.
Falling inlove with the colors. My 3 fave colors OMG! It is hard for me to pick one color out of these 3. :D


This is my first encounter to this kind of texture of eyeshadow, so it is kinda hard to explain. LOL
Anyways, I'll try xD
It is quite powdery but in a good way. Yet, I can feel the moist in it. So it is not messy to use.

  • Super PIGMENTED. You don't need to apply eyelid primer.
  • Variety of lovely shades.
  • Great texture.
  • Lovely glitters
  • It will take a long time to empty the product.
  • I don't like the scent. It smells like Sebo de Macho (known here in Philippines)
  • You can only purchase through online.
  • Hard to blend.

Though it has cons, I'll still give perfect out of 5 stars :)

I suggest to use finger to apply this product for more pigmented. You can still use brush tho.

SPECIAL THANKS TO +BClassyGlam for these lovely eyeshadows! :) Please support her!